Limitations of our engagement
The assurance scope excludes: |
Data and information outside the defined reporting period (1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009); |
The 'economic performance indicators' included in the Report taken from the Company's audited financial records. |
Methodology of assurance
The nature and scope of our work was based on our professional judgment and we have performed all the procedures deemed necessary to provide a basis for our conclusions. Within the scope of our engagement, we requested evidence on a sample basis based on materiality criteria. The approach to the assurance exercise included interaction with key personnel of the Company to identify the processes in place to capture sustainability performance data and information as per GRI 2006 (GRI-G3) guidelines, followed by reviews of the processes for collecting, compiling, and reporting on these indicators at the corporate and operating unit levels.
The assurance was performed by our multidisciplinary team of professionals in the field of environment, health, safety and social matters, who visited the sample sites and the corporate office of the Company for reviewing and verifying the information.
Based on our scope of review and approach, nothing has come to our attention that causes us not to believe that the Report presents in a fairly balanced and complete manner the material aspects with regard to the Company's sustainability performance.
Other Observations |
The Company has used GRI G3 Guidelines and relevant protocols. |
The systems and procedures applied by the Company for collection, collation and interpretation of non-financial historical data on EHS and social performance parameters for inclusion in the Report are reliable. |
Our responsibility in performing our assurance activities is to the management of the Company only, and in accordance with the terms of reference agreed with the Company. We do not therefore accept or assume any responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person or organisation. |
Ernst & Young Private Limited
(Sudipta Das)
Kolkata, India
Dated: 11th September, 2009 |