"It is indeed gratifying that sustainability and inclusiveness of growth not only remains the Government’s
objective but also guides key organisations in the private sector, such as ITC. I hope your initiatives would prove
to be a trendsetter for the Indian Industry."
- Mr. M. Hamid Ansari
Vice-President of India |
Multiple drivers of growth encompassing FMCG, Paperboards & Packaging, Agri Business, Hotels and Information Technology. |
A turnover of US$ 6 billion and a market capitalisation of nearly US$ 30 billion. |
Total Shareholder Returns, measured in terms of increase in market capitalisation and dividends, growing at a compound rate of over 24% per annum over the last 15 years. |
The new FMCG businesses support the competitiveness, technology upgradation and market reach of over 150 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). |
ITC Group provides direct employment to
over 29,000 people. |
'Carbon Positive' - five years in a row (sequestering / storing twice the amount of CO2 that the Company emits). |
'Water Positive' - for eight consecutive years (creating three times more rainwater harvesting
potential than ITC's net consumption). |
Waste Recycling Positive for the last three years. |
Nearly 31% of total energy consumed is from renewable sources. |
ITC Royal Gardenia and ITC Green Centre are two of the world's largest LEED Platinum rated green buildings. |
Environment, Health and Safety Management Systems in ITC conform to international standards. |
ITC's businesses generate livelihoods for over 5
million people. |
ITC's globally recognised e-Choupal initiative is the world's largest rural digital infrastructure benefitting over 4 million farmers. |
ITC's Social and Farm Forestry initiative has greened over 1,07,000 hectares, creating an estimated 48 million person-days of employment. |
ITC's Watershed Development initiative brings precious water to over 54,000 hectares of drylands and moisture-stressed areas. |
ITC's Sustainable Community Development
initiatives include women's empowerment,
supplementary education and integrated
animal husbandry programmes. |
* Figures as on September 30th, 2010 |