ITC Limited
Sustainability Report 2012
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Report Profile, Scope and Boundary

We continue our efforts to influence sustainability practices along the value chain and we intend to extend them significantly in the years to come, to cover all our suppliers.

This 9th Sustainability Report covers the sustainability performance for the period from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012.

We report our performance on an annual basis and the last Sustainability Report was published in September 2011.

ITC is headquartered at Virginia House, 37 J L Nehru Road, Kolkata, 700 071 (India). The contact point for any clarifications on the report or for requesting additional copies of this report is Corporate Communications Department at the above address or e-mail:

This Report covers performance of all the Businesses and Units directly under ITC Limited and the 4 subsidiary companies where we have operational control. This covers all our significant operations in India and the one subsidiary company based in Nepal as detailed in Reporting Boundary.

The reporting principles and methodology continue to remain in accordance with the 2006 version of GRI G3 guidelines. The relevant indicator and technical protocols have been followed for reporting on various indicators and there has been no significant change in reporting scope or boundary limits over last year.

This report reflects material issues, which have significant economic, environmental and social impacts that can substantially influence assessments or decisions of our stakeholders. Our Businesses/Units continue to proactively engage with key stakeholders, who, either have a major interest or are significantly affected by our operations, products or services. The details on stakeholder engagement are covered elsewhere in the Report.

Sustainability and sustainable development are integral to ITC’s ethos and find expression in our commitment to enhancing the Triple Bottom Line of economic, social and environmental capital.

We continue our efforts to influence sustainability practices along the value chain and we intend to extend them significantly in the years to come, to cover all our suppliers.

The economic performance reported here is from the Company’s Report & Accounts (R&A) 2012. The R&A 2012 was prepared in accordance with the Companies Act, 1956 and has been audited by independent External Auditors - M/s Deloitte Haskins & Sells.

The data on environment & social sections is based on actual performance of the various businesses, factories, hotels and large offices of the Company and the Subsidiaries. Authenticities of these data and systems have been verified by M/s Ernst & Young as per the assurance statement provided, which forms a part of this Report.

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